Ask yourself this question -
Do you think that you are worthy of happiness and success?

If low confidence, fear, low self-esteem, limiting beliefs, out of control emotions or negative self-talk is stopping you from moving forward in your business, career, or in your life; or if you somehow just ‘get in your own way’ and self-sabotage your happiness and success -

One of the biggest and most common issues that people face, which drives all these issues and more: 

..... is the deep-rooted belief that they are not enough.

✔️This causes limiting beliefs and fear.
✔️This affects our confidence levels.
✔️This causes us to become perfectionists.
✔️ This causes us to be super sensitive to rejection meaning we often fail to put ourselves out there for fear of how people will react.
✔️This affects our ability to ask for money in our business or to put in for that promotion, to up our prices or to ask for what we are worth.
✔️This causes us to procrastinate
✔️ This causes us to doubt ourselves
✔️This causes us to self-sabotage our SUCCESS
✔️ This affects our ability to have healthy relationships with others meaning we often feel alone.

The deep rooted belief of NOT being enough causes us to feel stuck or somehow blocked, unable to move forward. 

Often not really knowing why.

We often push our wounds deep inside us and try to forget. But they fester on a subconscious level and affect everything that we think, feel and do.

Success from the inside out

"I am enough" Brain-Based Strategies for Self Acceptance and Success is a life-changing 135 page ebook course designed to help you heal from the inside out. 

It is based on the latest Neuroscientific and Psychological Research and will help you to understand how the natural functioning of your own brain actually predisposes you to live a life of negativity, struggle and pain. As well as step-by-step instructions of how we can use the latest insights on the brain so that you can move forward in a way where your brain is now working WITH you instead of AGAINST you. So that you can get out of your own way and finally move forward in your life with confidence and self-belief.

This eBook Course is much more however than a brain-based training to happiness and success. 

It also includes a powerful combined NeuroCoaching / Emotional Learning Method so that you can go deep inside and learn how to overcome the fears and limiting beliefs that are operating on a subconscious level. This life-changing technique will teach you how to mindfully shift through the 3 key networks in your brain: So that you can connect to and then intuitively replace the core belief systems that have been holding you back in your life for so long. 

You will learn how to massively increase your own sense of self-worth - so that you can like yourself, feel good about yourself and believe in yourself.

When a person truly believes the three powerful words…

“I am enough”,

…they can quite honestly achieve anything.

When a person truly believes the three powerful words…

“I am enough”,

…they can quite honestly achieve anything.

If you do not know me, I'm Nicola Gimson, I'm a Success Transformation Coach and NeuroCoach.  

EVERYTHING that I teach is not only based on the latest scientific research, but also as a result of my lived experience

For nearly 30 years of my life I sabotaged my own happiness and success due to deep-rooted limiting beliefs that I was not good enough. That I was not worthy of happiness. That I was not worthy of stable loving relationships. That I was not worthy of living a life of abundance and success.

My childhood wounds, caused mainly due to the relationship with my mother, affected my life in every way that you could imagine. And many other ways that you can't. 

They affected my relationships, they affected my confidence, they affected my self-esteem, they affected my ability to grow my business: They even affected my ability to ask for money for the work that I had done or raise my prices to a level where logically I knew that I was worth.

In the past 2 to 3 years I have literally gone from a place where I could only bring in enough money to survive, to tripling my income. I've gone from relationships that resembled a roller coaster with mind blowing highs and soul destroying lows. To meeting my partner, who is not only my lover but my best friend all in one. I've healed my relationship with my own daughter (yes our wounds from childhood very often affect the relationship with our own children) and I've also healed the relationship with my own mother. 

How did I experience such radical change? 
By going deep inside my psyche and 
healing from the inside out 

I cannot find the words to describe how it FEELS to be free of the invisible chains that held me back for so long.

For the first time in my life, I feel FREE.  

And I've put my journey into a book so that you too can follow my path.

You will learn how to master your emotions, face your fears, overcome negativity and be happier.

So that you can move forward in your life with confidence and leave the self-doubt behind, become unstuck, and 
finally become the person that you have always meant to be.

I'm offering this life-changing eBook Course TODAY ONLY for £29.99 £19.99 
With a FULL guarantee that if you do not LOVE the content 
I will refund you in full. 
You literally have nothing to lose. 
I'm offering this life-changing eBook course for only  
£29.99  £19.99  
With a FULL guarantee that if you do not LOVE the content 
I will refund you in full. 
You literally have 
nothing to lose. 

I am Enough. Success from the inside out will teach you

✅ Discover how shocking research on the brain has shown that humans are naturally wired for negativity at birth. You will learn why this natural state exists and how it will be sabotaging every attempt you make to move forward in your life. As well as proven NeuroCoaching Strategies that have been shown to reverse this so that your brain is working with you instead of against you

✅ Learn why Positive thinking and other popular techniques often don’t work. Traditional Mindset work is NOT enough to break the cycle when we have deep rooted wounds from our childhood holding us back. You will also learn why these techniques can actually trap you further in the cycle of negativity and self-destruction. (And what you can do instead so you are not pulled further down the rabbit hole).

✅ Why the majority of humans do not notice their negative self-talk until it’s too late and their mood and productivity have been severely compromised. And strategies of how you can catch them much earlier so that you can turn down the volume for good. 

✅ Heal the wounds from your Past - Learn how the latest Psychological Research has shown that we have invisible memories that run our lives and show up as fears, self sabotage, emotional barriers and an inability to move forward. This eBook training will then give you step by step instructions on how you can mindfully shift through 3 key networks in your brain before intuitively identifying and then replacing your limiting beliefs for good. You will finally break free of the root causes of what has been holding you back for so long. 

✅ Learn how to be more optimistic and happier in just 5 minutes a day. A simple neuroscience hack, that is supported by quoted research and which you can do in your own living room, will TRAIN your brain to be HAPPIER and more optimistic (And NO this is NOT about positive thinking. Nor is it a gratitude exercise). A happier brain is a more successful, confident brain.

✅ A secret commonly used by sports professionals, such as Olympic athletes, to get better at a skill from the comfort of their own living room. And how you can use this to get better at ANYTHING where you are currently lacking confidence. 

✅ A very often overlooked confidence-building strategy that can be used to turn down the volume on negative thoughts, feelings and overwhelm in situations that usually evoke overwhelm or anxiety – such as interviews, public speaking, or even going on a first date. And step by step instructions of how you can use it. 
✅ The ingredient that we often miss when trying to change our bad habits. Explaining why we often can fail. Then instructions how you can change this so that you will finally be able to overcome our bad habits for GOOD replacing them with ones that serve you 

✅ Understand why planning for the times you fail will have a direct impact on your chances of happiness and how to do this without increasing our negative thinking even further 

✅ And much more.

Quite honestly I guarantee that the methods in this Ebook Course can change your life.

If you do not like the content for ANY reason, I will refund you in full. 

I cannot be fairer than that.

I'm offering it TODAY ONLY for   £29.99  £19.99 
With a FULL guarantee that if you do not LOVE the content 
I will refund you in full. 
You literally have nothing to lose. 
I'm offering it 
TODAY ONLY for £5.90 
With a FULL guarantee that if you do not LOVE the content 
I will refund you in full. 
You literally have 
nothing to lose. 

What others are saying about this eBook course and my methods

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